The ultimate Restaurant Financial Plan

Just like you, I had a restaurant. Mine was called Café Media Luna and it was located on a remote Caribbean island. Sounds pretty idyllic – and it was – but it was also the hardest job I’ve ever had. One of the aspects of the restaurant that should have been easy for me as a former JP Morgan Banker was the whole cost management, budgeting, and forecasting thing.

But – and I know this sounds crazy – I never thought to prepare a budget or forecast for my restaurant which means that I only ever had a very general idea of my costs. I remember vividly the nail-biting months we went through, particularly in the off-season when we weren’t able to meet payroll and I was forced to ask for extended payment terms from our vendors. Not good!

If you’re here, it’s a big Kudos to you because it means you’re way ahead of where I was, already thinking about the key financial factor in your restaurant’s success: knowing and managing your costs.

In the time since I sold my restaurant, I’ve worked with dozens of restaurants, building easy-to-use budgets and forecasts that have:

I Learned the Hard Way, So You Don't Have To

I’ve combined everything I learned the hard way from running my own restaurant financially blind with the needs of all the restaurants I’ve worked with since to build you 2 fool-proof Restaurant Financial Plans. I’ve also got a couple of Free Resources that you can download.

Both Restaurant Financial Plans will help you answer the following questions:

  1. How much money will I need on an ongoing basis to keep my restaurant running and pay all the bills?
  2. How many customers will I need to serve in the restaurant every day so I can break even (meaning I can cover all our expenses)?
  3. When can I start paying myself a salary?
  4. Can I afford a Chef?
  5. How many Kitchen and Wait staff employees can I afford and when could I hire them?
  6. When can I expect the restaurant to make a profit (meaning that we’re making more from customer sales than our total expenses)?
  7. What are my busy seasons and how much cash can I expect to have in the bank during the slow months so I’m sure I can still cover my costs?
  8. If I work hard and the restaurant is successful, how much money could my restaurant make?

Basic Financial Plan

Includes everything from the Simple Financial Plan, plus the ability to add alternative funding sources like loans or equity. It’s also designed to accommodate seasonality in your restaurant business.



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Includes: Excel File and Video Walkthrough

Advanced Financial Plan

Includes everything from the 2 other Financial Plans, plus additional features for managing complex loans and developing advanced strategies to ramp up your covers or customers over time towards a maximum.



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Includes: Excel File and Video Walkthrough

*Downloadable immediately and anytime after the purchase.

Need the Google Sheets File? Email after purchase and we will send it over within a few hours.

Need help or have questions? Feel free to use the chatbot on the lower-right or email us directly at

Unsure what your next step is?

Schedule a FREE 30-min chat with Monica!

To help you out, here are a couple of Free resources

To help you plan out what you need to do and when, so you can feel less overwhelmed and uncertain.

To help you get a handle on how much money you’ll need to start your restaurant.

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Comparison Table

Items you Can forecast Basic Advanced
Standard Loan Borrowing
Buildout Expenses
Upfront Inventory and Other Initial Expenses
Core Team Headcount and Costs
Kitchen Staff Headcount and Costs
Front of House Staff Headcount and Costs
Operating Expenses
Equity Funding
Adjusting Customer Demand based on Busy vs. Slow Months
Customers Growing Over Time by Months Since Opening
Advanced Loan Borrowing (Interest Only Loans, Delayed Principal Payments, etc.)

Get instant access to the financial Model That Raised $1M+ case study

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