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Static Budgeting: A Complete Guide for Startups

 static budget is a way of setting up a budget that doesn’t change as you go. Static budgets are helpful for businesses that want to keep track of their cashflows and predict how much money they’ll make in the future. In addition, it helps them plan ahead for expenses like rent, utilities, and insurance payments.

A static budget is a specific set of financial projections that you can use to plan your business’s finances. It’s helpful because it allows you to see where you stand regarding your current resources.

How does static budgeting work?

Static budgets are typically broken down into two parts:

  • The spending side
  • The income side

On the spending or operating side, you list the monthly expenses from highest to lowest (e.g., rent, utilities). On the income or non-operating side, you list the monthly revenue (e.g., salary or commissions). Then you subtract one number from another to get your net income figure — the amount left over after all your finances and expenditures have been paid (or subtracted from total revenue).

Static budgeting works by taking a snapshot of your current financial situation and projecting forward into the future based on that snapshot. For example, if you note that you’ll need $50,000 in cash by the end of the month, then a static budget will allow you to see how much money would be available for spending in each category at that time.

When should you use a static budget?

You should use a static budget if:

– You have predictable expenses

– You don’t need to forecast future cash flows

– You want control over your finances.

If you’re starting with no idea about how much money you’ll need or how much debt will come up in your business’s life cycle, a static budget will help get things started in the right direction. It also allows for realistic planning — without worrying about how much money has been spent or what kind of expenses are coming up next week!

Static budgeting is the practice of creating a budget with fixed numbers for each category rather than one that changes based on the amount of money coming in or going out. This method requires more work up front, but it can help you save money in the long run by not having to adjust your spending habits when things start getting tight.

Static budgeting works best when you have some control over your spending habits and are willing to put some work upfront. It’s also helpful if there are large gaps between paychecks—if you can’t afford to pay bills with cash until after payday, it might not be worth using static budgets because they require so much forethought ahead.

There is a famous quote from Dave Ramsey, a senior American finance personality, radio show host, author, and businessman.

He says that:

“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” – Dave Ramsey


Static budgeting in startups can only help you make a pattern for cash flow and to help you create a budget for your business and then stick with it year after year. Static budgets are great because they help you figure out exactly how much money you need to operate your business and allow you to plan ahead for growth and expansion.

However, it can be tricky to use if you have multiple different types of expenses—you may need a dynamic budget for each type of expense. For example, we recommend using dynamic budgets for things like advertising costs or equipment purchases, which are likely to change over time when you are in your startup.

How is static budget different from other budgets?


  • Financial budget vs. Static budget

The financial budget of a firm acts as a blueprint for controlling and tracking its spending, investments and assets, sales, revenue, net, gross earnings, and liabilities. The numbers monitored throughout any one accounting period might change to reflect changes in sales, revenue, or even costs. However, because a static budget is constant, it may not account for such changes when allocating funds for costs, output, and staff compensation.

  • Cashflow vs. static budget

A cash flow budget is usually considered that it may be used to calculate how much money a firm can expect to come in and go out of the business. The cash flow budget may also be used to forecast how cash will flow through the organization and the expected earnings and expenditure schedule. At the same time, the static budget is somehow constant throughout the planning.

  • Budgets for operations vs. static budgets

The operational budget plan includes the costs that a company incurs as part of its operations. A static budget is similar in that it estimates projected expenditures and spending; however, the operational budget may alter depending on a company’s income and operating costs.

What are the advantages of the static budgeting?

The static budget model is one of the most common models used by companies, accounting firms, and financial planners. This model aims to help businesses make long-term decisions about their finances.

  • The static budgeting model has many benefits to offer. First, it can help businesses reduce risk by increasing their planning horizon. For example, a company may find that it has been spending more money than expected on inventory over time.
  • If this happens, they can adjust the static budget model to know how much money they have to spend on inventory each month.
  • This way, the company can ensure that it does not run out of inventory before it needs to buy more stuff and spend more money than it would have otherwise.
  • The static budget model also provides valuable information for managers who want to understand how their company’s finances are doing at any given time.
  • Businesses often use this information when making decisions about new investments or changes in existing ones (such as adding additional employees or changing suppliers).
  • The static budget model is great for organizations looking for a way to articulate their work’s value clearly.
  • By creating a budget based on fixed costs, you can ensure that your company will always be able to meet those costs.

What are the disadvantages of the static budgeting?

  • The disadvantage of this model is that it leaves little room for growth and innovation. To grow and innovate your business, you need to look at other budgeting methods.
  • A static budget may impact growth since you are not actively altering as you go depending on results. Financial constraints may lead to missed chances.
  • Static budgets are restrictive and only work for functional roles or businesses. This budget may not be adaptable enough for your startup, especially in its early stages.
  • Erroneous planning can lead to severe issues, especially if your goals are closely related to the money you allocated at the start of the year.
  • A static budget is not the most significant answer if you employ anyone other than full-time, year-round employees. Summer and contract workers require flexibility.
  • However, it is essential to understand that static budgeting does not work for all businesses. If you’re using it for your business and you aren’t meeting your goals, there are some other things that you can do to improve.

Key Considerations:

  • A static budget represents anticipated values for inputs and outputs that are determined before starting a period.
  • A static budget estimates revenue and costs over a set period but remains constant even as business activity varies.
  • Non-profit, academic, and government entities frequently employ static budgets.
  • A flexible budget, as opposed to a static budget, adjusts or fluctuates in response to variations in sales and production levels.

 How Can Numberly Help You Here?

Whatever budget you pick, you must have a solid financial basis. This is where Numberly comes into play. Numberly has everything you need to create an accurate financial model using our hands-on experience in financial planning especially tailored for your business. So please schedule your call with our financial modeling and budgeting experts and discuss your challenges.


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Static Budgeting: A Complete Guide for Startups


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